Unmasking Home Air Impurities

Why Your Home Needs an Air Quality Check


EPA: radon is a naturally-occurring radioactive gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S., behind smoking. Radon has no smell or color, so it can not be detected without a test kit or monitor.


Lung disease causing mineral fiber that was used in insulation and other construction areas. Harmful when inhaled.

Second Hand Smoke

Cigar or cigarette smoke from a user inside the home. Over time, tar buildup will be visible on the walls.


Mostly used in paint prior to 1980. Dust from the old paint may contain lead and when inhaled will cause serious illness.


Chemicals for interior or exterior bug treatments.


Areas of moisture or infiltration will allow mold to grow, usually visible in white or black molds.


Used on clothing and in building materials. Most homes are built with wood that use the chemical in some form.

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)

Come from different chemicals and treatments of household items. Cleaning supplies, pesticides, copiers, printers, copy paper, glues, markers, paints, paint strippers, and many other products emit VOCs into the home.


Dust mites, pollen, grasses, pet dander, pest fecal matter, fungi, rodents, and a variety of other allergens can be present and unwanted.

Carbon Monoxide

Caused when the heat exchanger on a gas furnace cracks, pushing carbon monoxide through the duct system.


Ideal humidity is usually between 45-55%. Exceeding that can quickly grow mold in the home and lower humidity can cause additional illness and exacerbate asthma. Excess humidity can arise from an HVAC system that is too large, which will cool the home off too quickly. 

Types of Air Quality


At Osage Air we believe that clean air isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for a healthier, happier life.

Whole Home Air Purifier

Built into your home’s HVAC system to help remove more particles, kill organic airborne particles, remove allergens and pet dander, catch VOCs with a higher MERV rated air filter, and increase the health of the entire home.

Room Air Purifier

Our Room Air Purifier is designed to be built into your home’s heating and air conditioning system to ensure maximum benefits for your entire home. It helps to remove more particles, kill organic airborne particles, remove allergens and pet dander, and catch VOCs with a higher MERV rated air filter. This will help to significantly improve the air quality of your home and increase the overall health of your family.

Carbon Air Filter

Carbon air filters, while more expensive, can keep more pollutants out of your home than a traditional air filter. The carbon removes VOCs, odors, smoke, fumes, and other chemicals from the air, above what a traditional air filter will remove.


If a home is too dry, it can be uncomfortable and create a space that encourages bacterial & mold growth. A home with a humidifier is also more comfortable during the winter at lower temperatures, keeping utility bills down.

Bipolar Ionization

This technology is fairly new, but very popular.  It creates and releases positively and negatively charged ions that attach themselves to particles in the air and kill viruses and mold.  It also causes the particles to be attracted to each other so they can more easily be caught in the home’s air filtration.


Removes unwanted humidity from crawl spaces, garages, homes, or anywhere that has humidity issues. Humidity can come from oversized HVAC, water leaks, or other sources of moisture in any area and often leads to mold growth.

Air Filters

Air filters help keep the entire HVAC system clean and operating more efficiently.  Filters are rated according to MERV.  Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value.  The higher the MERV Rating, the smaller the particles it can catch.  Higher MERV is not always best for your HVAC system though as the duct design may not be set up for high MERV filters, so consult a professional!  HEPA Filters, highest quality air filter for catching airborne particles.

UV Lights

Mold, mildew, and bacteria do not like the sun!  In-duct UV lights bring the power of the sun into your duct system.  These help eliminate mold, mildew, bacteria, and viruses, which then helps keep your indoor evaporate coil cleaner and lowers utility bills.

Air Scrubbers

Air Scrubbers for HVAC are inserted into the ductwork, with a built in UV light and they push the circulating air through the scrubber and using the natural humidity to release small amounts of safe hydrogen peroxide and other oxidizers. These are, in our opinion, one of the best products for a healthy home.

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